Taka Karate School

Black belt students

Receiving a black belt is a significant milestone for a karate-ka. The following are some of the students who have received a black belt in Gohakukai Karate-do:

Robin Ross, 8th dan
Terry Sorochka, 7th dan
Wayne Kinjo, 6th dan
Allan Stonehouse, 6th dan
James Nakashima, 6th dan
Mika Nakashima, 5th dan
Akane Kinjo, 5th dan
Ed Hryciuk, 5th dan
Nikki Jackson, 5th dan
Todd Lambert, 5th dan
John Gedrasik. 4th dan
Kazumi Marthiensen, 4th dan
Debra Norsworthy, 4th dan
Ken Cote, 4th dan
Marg Takahashi, 3rd dan
Laurice Block, 3rd dan
Buddy Belle, 3rd dan
Aaron Roth, 3rd dan
Bob Marthiensen, 3rd dan
Dominique Tkaczyk, 3rd dan
Mitchell Ross, 3rd dan
Adrian Lickiss, 3rd dan
Bill Brant, 2nd dan
George Lazzaretto, 2nd dan
Lyall Black, 2nd dan
Kendy Sasaki-Ross, 2nd dan
Maurice Hollingsworth, 1st dan
Steve Austin, 1st dan
Debbie Austin, 1st dan
Jodi Johnson, 1st dan
Gail Lewicki, 1st dan
Edward Pan, junior black belt
Amber Carolla, junior black belt
Brandon Douglas, junior black belt
Emily Bryce, junior black belt
Damarys Zampini, junior black belt

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Protected: Black Belt Meeting Minutes from February 11, 2023

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