Taka Karate School


Sensei Kinjo TV interview

Sensei Kinjo was interviewed by a local TV station for his upcoming 45th anniversary demonstration and it will air on the Miracle Channel tonight (Friday May 18) at 5:00pm and 11:00pm. If anyone is interested in attending the demonstration, there are still tickets available and can be purchased at the door ($20). The event will be held Sunday May 20, 2018 at the University of Lethbridge Theatre from 1:00pm-4:00pm. There will be a number of teachers and students from Canada, the U.S., and Japan performing, including Kaicho Sensei Iken Tokashiki (founder of Gohakukai Karate).

2014 demonstration and seminar

The Taka Karate School hosted a seminar on May 17.  Students learned a wide range of applications to various kata.  Our annual demonstration was held on May 18.

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Taber seminar – November 16, 2013

The Taber Karate school hosted its first seminar on November 16, 2013.  Sensei Kinjo, along with Akane Kinjo and Mika Nakashima from the Lethbridge dojo, came to Taber for a day of practice with Taber students.  Unfortunately, due to poor weather, attendance was limited, but all of the students who were there learned a lot.

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Pacific Northwest Seminar – October 5, 2013

Sensei Robin Ross organized a seminar was on October 5, 2013 for students in the Pacific Northwest. Attendees included Sensei Kinjo, Sensei Robin Ross, Sensei Mario McKenna, Sensei Terry Sorochka, Sensei James Nakashima and students from Vancouver and Seattle.

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May 19, 2013 – demonstration

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May 18, 2013 – seminar

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2012 Vancouver seminar

2011 Seminar – Lethbridge

2011 karate tournament

2011 Vancouver seminar – April 2011