Taka Karate School

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Protected: January 2019 Black Belt Meeting

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Posted January 10th, 2019.

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Protected: January 2019 Black Belt Meeting

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Posted January 4th, 2019.

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Protected: Black Belt Meeting Minutes November 4, 2018

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Posted November 4th, 2018.

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Protected: Black Belt Meeting October 14, 2018

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Posted October 16th, 2018.

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Protected: September 2018 black belt meeting cancelled

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Posted September 8th, 2018.

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Protected: Black Belt Meeting Minutes June 3, 2018

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Posted June 3rd, 2018.

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Sensei Kinjo TV interview

Sensei Kinjo was interviewed by a local TV station for his upcoming 45th anniversary demonstration and it will air on the Miracle Channel tonight (Friday May 18) at 5:00pm and 11:00pm. If anyone is interested in attending the demonstration, there are still tickets available and can be purchased at the door ($20). The event will be held Sunday May 20, 2018 at the University of Lethbridge Theatre from 1:00pm-4:00pm. There will be a number of teachers and students from Canada, the U.S., and Japan performing, including Kaicho Sensei Iken Tokashiki (founder of Gohakukai Karate).

Posted May 18th, 2018.

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Protected: Black Belt Meeting May 6, 2018

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Posted May 6th, 2018.

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Protected: Black Belt Meeting Minutes April 8, 2018

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Posted April 12th, 2018.

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Protected: April 2018 black belt meeting date change

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Posted April 1st, 2018.

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